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Velux Skylight Sizes

Velux Skylight Sizes

Velux Skylight Sizes


Fixed Skylight (FS) – Deck Mounted

FS Size CodeA06C01C04C06C08C12D26D06M02M04M06M08S01S06
Outside frame (W”xH”)1514 x 46142112 x 27382112 x 38382112 x 46142112 x 5415162112 x 70342314 x 237162314 x 461430916 x 301230916 x 383830916 x 461430916 x 5415164434 x 27384434 x 4614
Rough opening/ Finished frame (W”xH”)1412 x 453421 x 267821 x 377821 x 453421 x 5471621 x 70142212 x 2215162212 x 453430116 x 3030116 x 377830116 x 453430116 x 547164414 x 26784414 x 4534

View skylight size details

Fixed Skylight (FCM) – Curb Mounted

FCM Size Code 1430 1446 2222 2230 2234 2246 2270 3030 3046 3055 3434 3446 4646 4672
Inside curb (W”xH”)1412 x 30121412 x 46122212 x 22122212 x 30122212 x 34122212 x 46122212 x 70123012 x 30123012 x 46123012 x 55123412 x 34123412 x 46124612 x 46124612 x 7212
Outside curb (W”xH”)1712 x 33121712 x 49122512 x 25122512 x 33122512 x 37122512 x 49122512 x 73123312 x 33123312 x 49123312 x 58123712 x 37123712 x 49124912 x 49124912 x 7512
Maximum skylight clearance (W”xH”)1858 x 34581858 x 50582658 x 26582658 x 34582658 x 38582658 x 50582658 x 74583458 x 34583458 x 50583458 x 39583858 x 38583858 x 50585058 x 50585058 x 7658
Velux Skylight Sizes

Learn more about the Velux fcm fixed skylight

Manual “Fresh Air” Skylight (VS) – Deck Mounted

VS Size Code C01 C04 C06 C08 M04 M06 M08 S01 S06
Outside frame (W”xH”)2112 x 27382112 x 38382112 x 46142112 x 5411630916 x 383830916 x 461430916 x 541164434 x 27384434 x 4614
Rough opening/ Finished frame (W”xH”)21 x 267821 x 377821 x 453421 x 5471630116 x 377830116 x 453430116 x 547164414 x 26784414 x 4534
Velux Skylight Sizes

Manual “Fresh Air” Skylight (VCM) – Curb Mounted

VCM Size Code 2222 2234 2246 3030 3046 3434 4646
Inside curb (W”xH”)2212 x 22122212 x 34122212 x 46123012 x 30123012 x 46123412 x 34124612 x 4612
Outside curb (W”xH”)2512 x 25122512 x 37122512 x 49123312 x 33123312 x 49123712 x 37124912 x 4912
Maximum skylight clearance (W”xH”)2658 x 26582658 x 38582658 x 50583458 x 34583458 x 50583858 x 38585058 x 5058
Velux Skylight Sizes

Electric “Fresh Air” Skylight (VSE) – Deck Mounted

VSE Size Code C01 C04 C06 C08 M04 M06 M08 S01 S06
Outside frame (W”xH”)2112 x 27382112 x 38382112 x 46142112 x 5411630916 x 383830916 x 461430916 x 541164434 x 27384434 x 4614
Rough opening/ Finished frame (W”xH”)21 x 267821 x 377821 x 453421 x 5471630116 x 377830116 x 453430116 x 547164414 x 26784414 x 4534
Velux Skylight Sizes

Electric “Fresh Air” Skylight (VCE) – Curb Mounted

VCE Size Code 2222 2234 2246 3030 3046 3434 4646
Inside curb (W”xH”)2212 x 22122212 x 34122212 x 46123012 x 30123012 x 46123412 x 34124612 x 4612
Outside curb (W”xH”)2512 x 25122512 x 37122512 x 49123312 x 33123312 x 49123712 x 37124912 x 4912
Maximum skylight clearance (W”xH”)2658 x 26582658 x 38582658 x 50583458 x 34583458 x 50583858 x 38585058 x 5058
Velux Skylight Sizes

Solar Powered “Fresh Air” Skylight (VSS) – Deck Mounted

VSS Size Code C01 C04 C06 C08 M02 M04 M06 M08 S01 S06
Outside frame (W”xH”)2112 x 27382112 x 38382112 x 46142112 x 5411630916 x 301230916 x 383830916 x 461430916 x 541164434 x 27384434 x 4614
Rough opening/ Finished frame (W”xH”)21 x 267821 x 377821 x 453421 x 5471630116 x 3030116 x 377830116 x 453430116 x 547164414 x 26784414 x 4534
Velux Skylight Sizes

Solar Powered “Fresh Air” Skylight (VCS) – Curb Mounted

VCS Size Code 2222 2234 2246 3030 3046 3434 4622 4646
Inside curb (W”xH”)2212 x 22122212 x 34122212 x 46123012 x 30123012 x 46123412 x 34124612 x 22124612 x 4612
Outside curb (W”xH”)2512 x 25122512 x 37122512 x 49123312 x 33123312 x 49123712 x 37124912 x 25124912 x 4912
Maximum skylight clearance (W”xH”)2658 x 26582658 x 38582658 x 50583458 x 34583458 x 50583858 x 38585058 x 26585058 x 5058
Velux Skylight Sizes

Top hinged Roof Window Skylight (GPU) – Deck Mounted

Roof Window Sizes

GPU Size Code CK04 CK06 MK04 MK06 MK08 PK10 SK06 UK08
Outside frame (W”xH”)2158 x 38122158 x 46383034 x 38123034 x 46383034 x 553718 x 634478 x 46385234 x 55116
Rough opening/ Finished frame (W”xH”)2218 x 392218 x 46783114 x 393114 x 46783114 x 55123758 x 63124538 x 46785314 x 5512
Velux Skylight Sizes

Center-Pivit Roof Window Skylight (GGU) – Deck Mounted

Roof Window Sizes

GGU Size Code CK02 CK04 CK06 FK04 FK06 FK08 MK04 MK06 MK08
Outside frame (W”xH”)2158 x 30582158 x 38122158 x 463826 x 381226 x 463826 x 553034 x 38123034 x 46383034 x 55
Rough opening/ Finished frame (W”xH”)2218 x 31182218 x 392218 x 46782612 x 392612 x 46782612 x 55123114 x 393114 x 46783114 x 5512
GGU Size Code MK10 PK06 PK08 PK10 SK06 SK08 UK04 UK08
Outside frame (W”xH”)3034 x 633718 x 46383718 x 553718 x 634478 x 46384478 x 555234 x 38125234 x 55116
Rough opening/ Finished frame (W”xH”)3114 x 63123114 x 46783758 x 55123758 x 63124538 x 46784538 x 55125314 x 395314 x 5512
Velux Skylight Sizes

Roof Access Roof Window Skylight (GXU) – Deck Mounted

Roof Window Sizes

GXU Size Code CK06 FK06
Outside frame (W”xH”)2158 x 463826 x 4638
Rough opening/ Finished frame (W”xH”)2218 x 46782612 x 4678
Velux Skylight Sizes

VELUX CABRIO Balcony Skylight (GDL) – Deck Mounted

The CABRIO® Balcony

The CABRIO® PK19 a unique combination of roof window and private terrace, the CABRIO® Balcony opens easily to allow daylight and fresh air to flow throughout your space. The standard CABRIO® features a wider balcony space for easy access to impressive sky views.

The CABRIO® MK19 is the perfect solution for those who want the private balcony experience but have limited space. Operating like the traditional CABRIO®, the MK19 is smaller and designed to fit perfectly between most roof rafters for an easier, faster, and more budget-friendly installation.

GDL Cabrio Size CodeMK19PK19
Outside frame (W”xH”)3034 x 991437116 x 9914
Rough opening/ Finished frame (W”xH”)33116 x 1013938 x 101
Velux Skylight Sizes

Sun Tunnel Sizes

Velux Skylight Sizes